Top 10k strings from Micro-Print 85 Demo (1984)(Myrmidon Software)[a].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 xwvmZYXWVTNK7%
   1 t$=" ~Micro-print 85~,Copyright Myrmidon Software 1984.":
   1 p$="~Micro-print 85~ is  an extra and separate printingroutine for SPECTRUM's which releases you  from thestrict 32-pitch character format  of Sinclair PRINTstatements by offering you a constant choice of 32,36, 42, 51, 64 and 85 characters/line pitch scriptsin all the programs into which you add it."
   1 p$="that you can force Micro-print to jump tothe next line by adding a ~CHR$ 0~ into the string,ie.":
   1 p$="starts a new line.":
   1 p$="forget to 'LET' any of the control variablesMicro-print will halt with the usual Sinclair errormessage - '2 Variable not found, 350:1' etc.":
   1 p$="etc.  will ensure the":
   1 p$="b.~Micro-Lprint~.":
   1 p$="and the demo will RUN again - OK ?":
   1 p$="a.~Micro-COPY~.":
   1 p$="Using ~Micro-print~ is extremely simple from withinyour own BASIC programs. The code gets its controlsfrom four ordinary variables which you must set-up:":
   1 p$="The software you write can now display a great dealmore text or numbers in the same screen space, with5 new ultra-clear type-faces. This page is in ~51~,with a ~42~ heading: in ~64~ it looks like this ..."
   1 p$="The programs you write can now display a great deal more text ornumbers in  the same screen space than they were able to before.This part is now in ~64~, and in ~85~ it's even more compact ..."
   1 p$="The programs you write can now display a great deal more text or numbers in  the samescreen space than they were able to before.  This part is now in ~85~ characters/line
   1 p$="Set up p $, no and co,and RANDOMISE USR 31880 (or 64648 for 48k) and yourZX printer will Micro-print just this string.":
   1 p$="Now put the subject matter to be Micro-printed intothe print-string p $ , and a RANDOMISE USR  call to31796 ( or 64564 for 48k ) will do the job.":
   1 p$="Note also ":
   1 p$="NOW ...":
   1 p$="LET p$="+
   1 p$="If you ":
   1 p$="Here's a much larger screen than you thought !":
   1 p$="For a selective copy on your ZX printer of only part of the screen -"+
   1 p$="Enter the world of ~Micro-print~"
   1 p$="4. LET at = the attribute code to be used.
   1 p$="3. LET co = the column to start Micro-printing at.
   1 p$="2. LET li = the line to start Micro-printing on.
   1 p$="1. LET no = the number of characters-per-line.
   1 p$=" get the USR numbers wrong, this is theone thing that will surely bring you some grief !":
   1 p$=" Other facilities of ~Micro-print 85~ are:":
   1 MP85 Demo - Jan
   1 Enter the world of ~Micro-print~
   1 >p$=at=no=co=li=ll=fl=
   1 ;"Now, remember that Sinclair 32 ?"
   1 +"and RANDOMISE USR 31830 (or 64598 for 48k) to get apermanent record of just the bit you want."
   1 +"+CHR$ 0+"+
   1 +" LET fl = the first line to copy from (0 to 23).    LET ll = the last line you want to copy to ( "+
   1 "MP85 Demo"
   1  script, which is about as far as even Micro-print can go !
   1  This screen is again in ~51~ pitch with a ~42~ top & ~64~ foot 
   1  This can be 32, 36, 42, 51, 64 or 85.":
   1  The full screen from 0 to 23 is valid.":
   1  Micro-print ... so what is it ? 
   1  How do I program my SPECTRUM to use it ? 
   1  From 0 to 255 is valid, same as 'ATTR'
   1  BASIC Demonstration script OK.  The 'Micro-print 85' code will  now LOAD and automatically RUN 
   1  All numbers from 0 to no-1 are valid.":
   1  ( ZX Spectrum handbook page 116 ).":